This book shows how to provide shelter for goats, trim hooves, drench, vaccinate, tattoo, disbud, eartag and milk goats by hand or using a machine. Also covers buying a goat, kidding, show preparation, record keeping, health problems, quality assurance, animal welfare and safety.
Table of contents:
- General Safety Precautions
- Animal Welfare
- Quality Assurance
- Provide Shelter for Goats
- Hoof Trimming
- Drenching
- Vaccinating
- Disbudding a Dairy Goat
- Tatooing and Ear Tagging
- Guide to Buying a Dairy Goat
- Problems Associated with Kidding
- Hand Milk a Goat
- Machine Milk a Goat
- Recognise and Treat Mastitis
- Recognise and Treat Udder Conditions
- Recognise and Treat Footrot
- Recognise and Treat Lice Infestations
- Plant Poisoning
- Show Preparation
- Goat Managment Planner
- Record Keeping for Fibre Goats
- Safe Work Method Statements
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